Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving at our place

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Sometimes keeping things simple allows us to truly enjoy a holiday.  KWIM?
We decided to have our own turkey dinner at home.  Everyone had a hand in the preparations...minus the baby boys.

For appetizers we enjoyed a cheese ball and a pepper jelly/cream cheese dip with crackers.  The pepper jelly is something my late Aunt Laura used to make and it felt good to pay her homage. Although, she would make the jelly from scratch.  Quite a woman, my Aunt Laura.  Ben's always thought the jelly was strange.  This year, he decided he likes it...quite a bit.  Ah yes, he has "seen the light" in my pepper jelly ways.

Lydia rolled up the rolls and got them oven ready.

Lin helped prep the brussels sprouts after I cut them off the stalk.  Did you know they grow on a stalk?  Seriously though, this was the first time I've bought them that way.  I noticed they grow in a hexagonal pattern.  Pretty neat.

I was even able to wrangle the teenager into the kitchen to peel potatoes.  You would think he was about to call CPS on me.
 I roasted up some garlic bulbs to mash into the potatoes. Delish.

 Ben spent a good deal of time prepping and smoking our T-day turkey.  In case you're wondering, was good.

 Time to dish up!

And of course, no blog post would be complete without a photo that has nothing to do with the all.

 "take a picture of my foot, mom!"  Okay...
Thanks for stopping by!

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